
Frequently Asked Questions


The delivery date varies based on the product, client, and/or agreement. Please submit your inquiry with the following information and we’ll do our best to assist you:

  1. Product Information(Part Number, etc.)
  2. End User

There may be limitations for foreign sales of our products based on pre-existing sales agreements or contracts. Please submit your inquiry with the following information and we’ll do our best to assist you:

  1. Product Information(Part Number, etc.)
  2. End User

Warranties vary based on the product, client, and/or agreement. Please submit your inquiry with the following information and we’ll do our best to assist you:

  1. Product Information(Part Number, etc.)
  2. Serial Number
  3. End User

You can find a list of our manufactured products here. For specific products, please submit your inquiry with the following information and we’ll do our best to assist you:

  1. Product Information(Part Number, etc.)
  2. End User


We only receive applications online through JOB SITES(Saramin etc.) and our website here. We do not take applications via mail or walk-ins.

Yes, if you have an alien residence permit and meet the application qualifications, you can apply regardless of your nationality.

Business casual or formal attires are appropriate. The following is our business casual attire guidelines:

  • Top: shirts, sweaters, cardigans etc
  • Bottom: trousers, cotton pants, jeans, knee-below skirts etc
  • Shoes: dress shoes, loafers, simple sneakers etc

Ask us anything.

TEL +82-31-763-3200


1360-5 Jukjeon-dong Suji-gu Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

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